by Professor Kathleen Thelen


“Off-Balance: How U.S. Courts Privilege Conservative Policy Outcomes” (co-authored with Brian Highsmith and Maya Sen) forthcoming in Perspectives on Politics (2025).

“Coordination Rights, Competition Law, and Varieties of Capitalism” (co-authored with Chase Foster) Comparative Political Studies (online first July 18, 2024).

“Arrangers and Orchestrators: The diverging role of the state in Danish and German vocational education and training" (co-authored with Christian Lyhne Ibsen) Socio-Economic Review (online first April 15, 2024).

“The American Political Economy: Markets, Power, and the Meta Politics of US Economic Governance” (co-authored with Jacob Hacker, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, and Paul Pierson) Annual Review of Political Science 25 (2022).

“Institutional Source of Business Power” (co-authored with Marius Busemeyer) World Politics 74:3 (July 2020), 448-480.

“Varieties of Urbanism:  A Comparative View of Inequality and the Dual Dimensions of Metropolitan Fragmentation” (co-authored with Yonah Freemark and Justin Steil) Politics & Society 48: 2 (June 2020), 235-274.

“Are we all Amazon Primed? Consumers and the Politics of Platform Power” (co-authored with Pepper Culpepper) Comparative Political Studies 53(2) (February 2020), 288-318.

“The Rise of the Platform Business Model and the Transformation of Twenty-First Century Capitalism” (co-authored with K. Sabeel Rahman), Politics & Society 47: 2 (June 2019), 177-204.

“The American Precariat: US Capitalism in Comparative Perspective,” Perspectives on Politics 17: 1 (March 2019), 5-27.

“Diverging Solidarity: Labor Strategies in the New Knowledge Economy,” (with Christian Lyhne Ibsen). World Politics 69: 3 (July 2017), 409-447.

“Gender in the Journals,” (co-authored with Dawn Teele). PS: Political Science and Politics, April 2017.

“Duale Ausbildung und Personalpolitik: So gleich und doch so fremd? Eine vergleichende Untersuchung im Industriesektor zwischen Deutschland und der Schweiz”  (Silvia Teuber, Paul Ryan, Kathleen Thelen, Karin Wagner), Die Betriebswirtschaft 3: 11 (Mai/Juni 2012), 217-234.

“Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany,” (co-authored with Bruno Palier), Politics & Society 38: 1 (March 2010), 119-148.

“Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies,” British Journal of Industrial Relations 47: 3 (September 2009), 471-498.

“Institutional Change in Varieties of Capitalism” (co-authored with Peter A. Hall), Socio-Economic Review, 7: 1 (January 2009), 7-34.

“Contemporary Challenges to the German Vocational Training System,” Regulation and Governance 1: 3 (September 2007), 247-260.

“Coordination as a Political Problem in Coordinated Market Economies,” (co-authored with Ikuo Kume), Governance 19: 1 (January 2006): 11-42.

"The Paradox of Globalization: Labor Relations in Germany and Beyond," (co-authored with Christa van Wijnbergen), Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 36, No. 8 (October 2003): 859-880.

“Timing and Temporality in the Analysis of Institutional Evolution and Change,” Studies in American Political Development 14 (Spring 2000), 102-109.

“The Effects of Globalization on Labor Revisited: Lessons from Germany and Japan” (co-authored with Ikuo Kume), Politics and Society 27: 4 (December 1999), 476-504.

“The Rise of Nonliberal Training Regimes: Germany and Japan Compared,” (co-authored with Ikuo Kume), Journal of Japanese Studies 25: 1 (January 1999).

“Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics,” Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 2 (Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, Inc., 1999).

“Vorteile Ausbauen” (co-authored with Lowell Turner), Die Mitbestimmung (June 1998).

German Codetermination in Comparative Perspective, co-authored with Lowell Turner, (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Verlag, 1998), 80pp.

"Apples and Oranges Revisited: Contextualized Comparisons and the Study of Comparative Labor Politics" (co-authored with Richard Locke), Politics and Society (September 1995).

"European Labor in Transition: Sweden and Germany Compared," World Politics 46:1 (October 1993), 23 49.

"Die Politik der Arbeitsumstrukturierung: Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in vergleichender Sicht,” WSI Mitteilungen (January 1992).

Book Chapters

"Classical Institutional Theories and Institutional Change” (with Markus Hinterleitner and Fritz Sager) in Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions (ed. By Adrian Vatter and Rahel Freiburghaus), Edward Elgar, 2024.

”Employer Influence in Vocational Education and Training: Germany and Sweden Compared” (co-authored with Marius Busemeyer), in Giuliano Bonoli and Patrick Emmenegger, eds. Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), Chapter 10 (pp. 229-254).

“The Role of the Law in the American Political Economy,” (co-authored with K. Sabeel Rahman), in Hacker, Hertel-Fernandez, Pierson and Thelen (eds.) American Political Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

“The American Political Economy: A Framework and Agenda for Research,” (co-authored with Jacob Hacker, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, and Paul Pierson), in Hacker, Hertel-Fernandez, Pierson and Thelen (eds.) American Political Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

“The Anxiety of Precarity: The United States in Comparative Perspective” (co-authored with Andreas Wiedemann). In Frances Rosenbluth and Margaret Weir, eds. Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

“Transitions to the Knowledge Economy in Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands,” in Anke Hassel and Bruno Palier (eds.), Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies.” Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

“The Future of Work: Good Jobs for All?” (co-authored with Werner Eichhorst), in International Panel on Social Progress, ed. Rethinking Society for the 21st Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.

“Institutional Change,” (co-authored with James Conran), in Orfeo Fioretos, Tulia Falleti, Adam Sheingate, eds., Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).

“Change without Reform, Reform without Change: The Hidden Faces of Institutional and Policy Transformation,” (co-authored with Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson) in James Mahoney and Kathleen Thelen, eds., Advances in Comparative Historical Analysis (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015).

“Trajectories of Change: Industrial Relations, Corporate Governance, and Training in Europe,” (co-authored with Gregory Jackson), in Pablo Beramendi et al., eds., The Future of Democratic Capitalism (New York: Cambridge University Press 2015).

“Non-Standard Employment and Systems of Skill Formation in European Countries” (co-authored with Marius Busemeyer), in Werner Eichhorst and Paul Marx, eds., Non-standard Employment in Comparative Perspective (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015)

“Origins and Change in Federal Institutions” (co-authored with Sebastian Karcher), in Arthur Benz and Jörg Broschek, eds. Federal Dynamics: Continuity, Change and the Varieties of Federalism (Oxford University Press, 2013).

“Institutional Change in German Vocational Training: From Collectivism toward Segmentalism” (co-authored with Marius Busemeyer) in Marius Busemeyer and Christine Trampusch, eds. The Comparative Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation Systems (Oxford University Press, 2011)

“Skill Formation and Training,” in Geoffrey Jones and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Business History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).

“Institutions and Collective Actors in the Provision of Training: Historical and Cross-National Comparisons,” (co-authored with Pepper D. Culpepper), in Karl Ulrich Mayer and Heike Solga (eds.), Skill Formation: Interdisciplinary and Cross-National Perspectives (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 21-49.

“Institutions and Social Change,” in Ian Shapiro and Stephen Skowronek, eds., Crafting and Operating Institutions (New York: NYU Press, 2006).

“The Political Economy of Business and Labor in the Developed Democracies: Agency and Structure in Historical-Institutional Perspective,” in Ira Katznelson and Helen Milner, eds., Political Science: The State of the Discipline (W.W. Norton and American Political Science Association: New York and Washington, D.C., 2002).

“How Institutions Evolve: Insights from Comparative-Historical Analysis,” in James Mahoney and Dietrich Rueschemeyer, eds., Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002).

“The Explanatory Power of Historical Institutionalism,” in Renate Mayntz, ed., Akteure, Mechanismen, Modelle (Frankfurt/M: Campus Verlag, 2002).

“Varieties of Labor Politics in the Developed Democracies,” in Peter Hall and David Soskice, eds., Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage (Oxford University Press 2001).

"Why German Employers Cannot Bring Themselves to Dismantle the German Model,” in Torben Iversen, Jonas Pontusson, and David Soskice, eds., Unions, Employers, and Central Banks: Wage Bargaining and Macro Economic Regimes in an Integrating Europe (New York: Cambridge University Press 1999).

"Gewerkschaftliche Interessenvertretung und Arbeitsumstrukturierung in der US Industrie," in Andreas Drinkuth and Bernd Kaßebaum, eds., Arbeitsstrukturen und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung im Internationalen Vergleich (Cologne: Bund Verlag, 1994).

"The Politics of Flexibility in the German Metalworking Industries." In Miriam Golden and Jonas Pontusson, eds., Bargaining for Change: Union Politics in Europe and North America (Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY, 1992).

"Neoliberalism and the Battle over Working Time Reduction in West Germany," in Richard E. Foglesong and Joel D. Wolfe, eds., The Politics of Economic Adjustment (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1989)

Other Publications

"Brandeis in Brussels: What American Reformers can learn from the European Union” (with Chase Foster) Law and Political Economy Blog (July 5, 2023).

"Institutional Reform for Inclusive Growth” (with Anke Hassel), Research Report as part of “The Economy 2030 Inquiry: Navigating Economic Change,” The Resolution Foundation (London), March 2023.

“The Role of Courts in American Political Economy” (with Brian Highsmith) LPE Blogpost, February 7, 2022.

“Where Are the Employers? American Labor Relations in Comparative Perspective,” Economic Policy Institute report, Unequal Bargaining Power Initiative, 2021.

“Growing Apart: Efficiency and Equality in the German and Danish VET Systems,” (with Christian Lyhne Ibsen), Research Brief RB07-2020, MIT Work of the Future Project, August 2020.

“Europe has kept down pandemic unemployment, US hasn’t: here’s why” (with Anke Hassel) Washington Post April 24, 2020.

“Are Political Science Journals Biased Against Women?” (with Dawn Teele). The Monkey Cage, Washington Post, May 2017.

“Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Change,” (co-authored with Peter A. Hall), European Politics and Society Newsletter (Spring 2006).

“The Politics of Institutional Change,” in West European Politics Newsletter Spring 2001

"Problems of Equivalency in Comparative Politics" (co-authored with Richard Locke), APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter, January 1998.